Here are some pictures of Jacob now that he is two months old! The picture of him and the other two baybies are the three cousins that where all born this year!
Thanksgiving at the Liechty's was so much fun! Dinner was great, and it was a blast having Santa come to visit. We all had fun playing chimes like we used to in primary. We even had a few sound like the actual song!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Welcome Jacob Daniel Astin
We would like to welcome Jacob Daniel Astin into our family. He was born 10-10-07 at 4:37 a.m. . He weighs 7 lbs 11 oz and is 20 inches long. Daniel only ran one red light on the way to the hospital and I (Jessica) did not say any swear words. Ha! There were at least two blood curling screams and fortunately labor only lasted three hours. When Jacob was first born he was able to hold is little head up and loves to stick out his tongue. More to come later !!
Grand Parents are GRAND!
Great Grandparents are GREAT!!!
Is Daddy putting Jacob to sleep or is Jacob putting Daddy to sleep????
My Due Date has been moved up to October 2nd (60 more days if your counting) . Jacob seems to be growing really fast, explaining some major tendon pain I have . We also found out that Jacob will have a nice head of hair, It will probably we fuzzy and wild like Daniels.
Dad, Mom, Richie, Dan and I went to Payson Lakes last weekend. Mom caught the most fish, using corn smelling bait. Dan had a lot of fun playing on the tube, he looked like he was about to fall out every time he casted. It was a lot of fun!
I went to the baby specialist earlier today, my mom went with me for support. They checked the baby and looked at the heart from every possible angle, and it was a perfect and healthy heart. They checked the heart beat for an extended time and determined that Jacob grew out of the arrhythmia. His heartbeat is strong and constant! Happy Day! He is now 2 pounds, this is a profile picture of his face.
Daniel and his Dad went fishing this Monday up at Scofield. Dan caught 21 and Steve caught 23. . The only problem with having the two of them go, is we rarely get any pictures, luckily they took two of this beautiful cut throat that Steve caught.
I went into the doctors, and they moved my due date to October 7th. Though the Doctor said that it could easily come sooner, but with this being my first baby and me having small hips he said there is a chance of the baby coming later. They checked the heart beat and it sounded a lot stronger. I am going to the specialtist next week and they are going to check the babies arithmia. Jacob still doesn't like to kick or move around, so if it wasn't for my huge stomach and me being constantly sick, I wouldn't know he was there.