Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pine Valley Softball

Its a boy!

Daniel and I found out that we are going to be having another rambunctious little boy! I am excited about it and am glad I can start getting the baby room painted and ready. Even though we have a while before I actually give birth, it's fun to start getting ready for the new little one! Jacob is going to be a great older brother, he already knows that baby's are fragile, and will whisper around them. ( he knows we have to use our quiet voice around babies) The current name we are leaning towards is Jason Brewster Astin, but the decision isn't made just yet. I have decided to stop calling him Cupcake, the name he was given when we found out I was with child, and try out Jason.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Summer Fun!!

We went camping at the beginning of July. To the big Glassford gathering in Pine Valley Utah. It was a lot of fun, but I think Jacob enjoyed it the most. He had fun playing with all the kids ( young and old)
Daniel had fun fishing, playing badminton.
There was even a badminton tournament. I felt bad for Caden, who got stuck with me as his partner ( we lost in our first game). I can't remember who won the tournament, just the priceless moments of my mother and aunt Lisa playing . I have video of the badminton tournament, and will try to post it as soon as I can.

Happy Independence Day!
We went over to our friends the Brainerds to celebrate the fourth. We had a barbecue and Kayla Astin made her amazing spinach dip. Jacob loved playing the drums on rock band. It was so cute to watch him try to play with his cousins Devin and Andy and uncle Jimmy

Then we did fireworks, Daniel and I where introduced to " Tank Wars" . Which will now be a staple in our Fourth of July from now on.
Everyone gets their own firework tank, you point them at each other's tanks, the one with the least amount of damage wins. Katrina and Doug's tank won.
But I think Dan and I should get second place because our tank obliterated Jimmy's and Kayla's.

Speaking of Jim and Kayla, They recently became parents of a beautiful baby boy named Jonah! Congrats guys!