Early in August we went up to my Grandparents cabin. It was lots of fun and I am glad that the Scotts got to come up with us. Because I was not feeling well, my Aunt Kim and I got to hang out a lot in the cabin. It was fun just relaxing. Jacob had a blast hanging out with Dan. Especially when he got to go on the 4-wheeler. He looked slightly concerned when he was on the 4-wheeler, but the minute we would take him off he would want to get back on.

Jacob had fun playing drums with my Dad and gathering sticks with my Mom (who knew an orange bucket could make the coolest toy ever!)

One of the main activities at the cabin are the horseshoe competitions. Here is Rachel throwing a horseshoe while her hubby is softening the dirt in the other horseshoe pit.

Daniel and Jim where a force to be reconed with, they have horseshoe skills. They were TEAM VICTORY!