Jacob turned two on the 10th of October. Daniel and I got him an ice cream cone and let him get messy. Ice cream ended up getting everywhere, which is why it is a special occasion when he gets an ice cream cone.

I love this picture not only because I think my son is adorable, but because of the poster in the background.

Jacob blew out his own candles this year! He wanted to play with the toy animals on the cake so bad that he wouldn't smile until the giraffe was in his hands.

My parents got him a huge dinosaur floor puzzle, I think my Dad and Richie where more excited about the puzzle then Jacob! Dan and Jacob ( mostly Dan) put the puzzle together about every other night, and Jacob will sit there and point out the different dinosaurs.

Jacob is getting so big! It is weird to think he is going to be the older brother soon, my baby is becoming a little boy! Thanks to everyone who came and celebrated his birthday with us.