We put up our Christmas tree the weekend of Thanksgiving. I was determined that we get it up, because I knew that we wouldn't be able to do it as a family until Dec. 4th if we waited. Dan's work make the holidays a bit more stressful then preferred, but I am just glad I get him during the weekends.

So despite the fact that we all had colds and I looked like Rudolph with my red nose, the tree went up! It looks like it is taking over our little couch. I love how full and tall it is, if only it came pre-lit. It took so long to put up the tree, thanks to our little helper Jake, that we decided to make the decorating our FHE activity for Monday. It was actually nice that way. Prolonging the tree festivities made it all a bit more relaxing. As per Astin tradition, we watched the "Garfield's Christmas Show" and had hot cocoa after the tree was up.

Jacob had a field day hanging ornaments and candy canes on the tree. Dan had the wonderful task of getting the ornaments ready, while Jacob did the bottom half of the tree and I did the top. Derek, well Derek wasn't so much help. I actually put him to bed before we got most of the ornaments out, maybe he can help next year. As my family can attest, I am slightly OCD about the tree and ornaments, so the fact that I let Jake anywhere near it was a big step. I keep mulling over the idea of getting a little tree to stick on the table for next year and calling it " Jacob and Derek's Tree", where we can hang all of the adorable ( but clashing ) ornaments that the kids make.

Here is Derek playing next to the tree, and yes I have to redecorate the tree ( the bottom part) at least once a day.

My dear Mother-in-law invited us to a 'Breakfast with Santa' at UVU, Julie and kids where also able to go. It was lots of fun for the kids. They had little craft stations for the kids to make decorations, and little activities like ' put the nose on the reindeer' and 'ice fishing'. On a side note about the ice fishing... Jacob got a whistle. WHY would you ever give children whistles!

We also did are anual Gingerbread House Extravaganza over at my parents house, but I think that deserves its own blog entry, so that will be coming later.
This weekend we decided to give Santa another try, seeing that Derek freeked out when he saw him at UVU. Cabala's had Santa come, so we went. Here is Derek as we where walking around seeing the fish.....

And when he saw Santa

He was so sad! His face is all wrinkly and after this picture was taken it was all red! Jacob had a great time. Told Santa he wanted a guitar, dinosaurs, a pretend reindeer, and a dragon.

This Christmas has been so fun with Jacob. He is old enough to really enjoy the season. He is super excited for Jesus' birthday and Santa to come to the house.