It has been awhile since my last post, and a lot has happened since then. Derek is a loving baby that always wants to be held; which made things hard the first two weeks while I was extremely sick with the spinal headache fiasco. That was a huge trial for Dan and I, thank you to everyone who helped us during that time. I am sorry if I have not thanked you personally, my memory of those two weeks following Derek's birth are fuzzy at best.

Jacob has been a big help (as much as a two year old could be) He loves his little brother and always try to share his toys with him. When Derek cries he tries to give him his binki and says, " its okay baby".

After my spinal blood block, I was able to enjoy and get to know our newest addition. I also had my family over a few Sundays ago for dinner and football.

It was the first time my Dad and Richie had seen Derek; they had been sick when he was born. The Colts won that day, too bad they didn't go on to win the Superbowl. My only consolation is that the Vikings ( Bret Favre) did not even make it to the Superbowl.

I was pregnant at the same time as my sister-in-law Sherrie. She gave birth to Hailey 5 days before Derek came. It has been awesome having someone who is going through the whole new baby thing at the same time.

We have had fun taking pictures of the two of them together.

This is Jacob playing with Kate in the kitchen.

Because it is so cold outside and with Derek I am unwilling to go anywhere , Jacob hasn't been able to run around and get out some of his energy. My solution... let him play with Kate. Our dog is great with him, she lets him chase, pet, and torment her without complaint. She is a great dog.

we have gone over to my parents house a few times so I can take a breather while Dan is at work. Jacob loves hanging out over there. Between playing with the Grandparents and hanging out with Heather and Richie, he just has a ball.

That is just a bit of an update on our family. Hope everyone has a great Valentines Day this weekend!