Sunday, April 25, 2010

Baby Animals at Thanksgiving Point

This is a picture of Dan and Jacob in the little pretend jail at Thanksgiving Point

We went to Thanksgiving point to see all of the Baby Animals. Jacob had fun, we even found a sheep named after him!
Jacob did really well holding on to Dan's hand and not running off. His favorite animal was the goats.
He was a bit nervous around the baby cow. I would point to the cow and say " it is a baby cow Jacob!" then he would reply " no baby cow ".
Jacob had his first ever ice cream sandwich! I was so proud at his wonderful sense of cleanliness! He didn't even get any icecream on his shirt; of coarse his face needed a bit of a cleaning.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Richie's Soccer Game

We went to one of Richie's soccer games last week. The weather was amazingly warm and Jacob absolutely loved being outside. I sadly have no actual pictures of Richie playing soccer. He made the winning goal, and played amazingly well.
My dad got some good pictures of Richie playing, and will probably be putting them on his blog shortly. My Grandmother and Mother spent time cooing and holding Derek. He wasn't horribley fond of the bright sunlight. We tried keeping him in the shade or under an umbrella.
Jacob had fun blowing bubbles and being thrown around by Heather. Heather and her friend Rachel played "make a pile of pulled grass and then shove it down Heather's back" Jacob loved the game.
Heather with Derek.
After awhile Jacob and Heather calmed things down by listening to Heather's ipod. Jacob enjoys listening to Heather's ipod.
When we where young, my Dad wouldn't let me or any of his kids even think about climbing a tree. So when he hoisted Jacob up in the tree, I was shocked! Jacob loved being up in the tree, and would have stayed their all day if Grandpa would have let him.

Jacob also had a great amount of fun riding on Grandpa's shoulders.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Derek Brewster Astin
was blessed this past Sunday. Here is our little family, I feel so lucky to have a great husband and two sweet ( and active) children.
We are also lucky to live so close to both of our parents. Our kids have no idea how blessed they are to have their grandparents be such a big part of their life. It is good to know that My kids not only have Dan and I, but the army of family that we are surrounded by.

We had a lot of family come celebrate his birth with us. Our house was full during the brunch we hosted after our sacrament meeting. My mother helped serve all the food; everything was so tasty. Here is Richie and my dad chowing down on the food.
Grandma Hawkins was able to come, And of coarse Heather was there! Heather, who is one of Jacob's favorite people, was saddened by the fact that Jacob didn't want to sit next to her in the sacrament meeting. That's right... he wanted to sit next to me!My grandmother-in-law Donna brought a Romanian mix tape to the brunch, which she decided to blast while we where eating. Because of the sweet mix of calming nature sounds and seventies disco music... Dan and his brother Jimmy had no choice, they had to dance!
Here are the Andersons and the soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Willis!
Here is Derek and me, I love his bright smile!
Here is Dan with his two sons!
This is Derek all decked out in his blessing suite. His Grandma Astin made this tux for him. We had to cancel the blessing two other times due to sickness, and every time she had to adjust it. Derek is a growing baby, I am just glad it fit him! He looked so dashing!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Easter Celebrations!

Here is Dan and Jacob with their Chocolate bunnies . We had a small, slightly pathetic Easter egg hunt in our front room for Jacob. A few plastic eggs randomly placed on the carpet and couches, all could be seen in plain sight. There was a few inches of snow and I wasn't about to have him stomping around in snow looking for eggs.
Ready.. set.. go! Here is the start of the 2010 Glassford Family Easter Egg Hunt! Who is looking for the candy and eggs? Jacob. His only competition where adults... and Richie.
Easter was cold, there was even snow Easter morning. So most of the day, besided the egg hunt, we where inside hanging out. Derek had fun being held by grandma, along with his aunts and cousins.
Jacob loves playing with grandpa, here he is organizing his cars.
Grandma was holding Derek so I could eat.... it was such a luxury to be able to eat a full meal without holding Derek or having him cry.
After the Easter egg hunt Jacob showed everyone his collection of eggs. He took them all out of his basket and organized them by color.

We had the Astin Family Easter Egg Hunt this weekend. We had it at Rotary Park, one of my favorite parks. Because Jacob had no real competition at the Glassford Easter Egg Hunt, he did not expect the onslaught of cousins that where also going for the candy. He soon realized that he had to find the eggs and put them in his bag fast, or else.
Not only did Jacob have to quickly scavenge the park for eggs because of the multitude of children... he had to get the eggs before Grandpa did! After getting enough eggs, Jacob decided to help others find the eggs. He would pick up an egg, and go stick it in someone else's basket. Below is a picture of Dan and Jacob enjoying the loot.