Now that thanksgiving it over, I am posting about Halloween. This year was great because Jacob is old enough to get excited and enjoy holidays. We had pumpkin carving party with our friends the Brainerds. How could it not be fun... soup bowls and pumpkin carving. The funny thing is the kids and husbands didn't do any of the carving. Katrina and I gutted and carved the pumpkins. I wasn't prepared with candles, so we put in little flashlights to get the jack-o-lantern effect.

Once the pumpkins where cleaned and carved, Jacob the Elder and Jacob the Younger enjoyed carying them around.

Katrina and her daughter made tasty cup cakes. They went with the theme of the night. They where super tasty. Jacob only ate the frosting, someday that boy will discover that the cake is good also.

We also went to Thanksgiving Point's Halloween at the Museum. We went with the Julia and her two kids. her little girl Mia and Jacob are good friends, plus Julia and I got to hang out wich is always a plus.

They got to make a cute craft and get their face painted.
Our ward Halloween party was super fun. Sadly Dan was still working so I took the two kids. They had little games set up for the children. Derek was super good until Jacob got smarties at one of the activities, he then made it his goal in life to get one.

Because of the bad weather this Halloween, trick-or-treating was pretty quick. We went the same time as the Barnes family. It was super cute to watch Jacob and Mia take turns knocking on the doors! They decided that you didn't need to say "trick or treat" ; being there simply required them to give candy. Though they always said "thank you and goodbye!"