Hope everyone had a great Valentines Day! Mine was great, partially because I made it a full weekend holliday. On Saturday Dan went to the BYU basketball game, so Jacob and I dipped pretzels in chocolate. It was going to be a surprise for Daddy. Jacob was so proud of his valentine surprise. It took him a long time to find just the right hiding spot for the chocolate pretzels, somewhere daddy wouldn't find them and Derek couldn't reach. Then the minute Dan gets home Jacob starts yelling "happy valentines day!" and "surprise"! So dan got his valentines pretzels early.

Sunday was great because we went over to my parents house for Valentines. I brought my manicotti... which I think is crazy tasty... and they had other Italian type dishes. Jacob got to hand out his little valentines to his aunts and uncles and Grandpa & Grandma gave out their valentines day gift. Jacob and Derek got some great books. Jacob has been having me read them to him every few hours. That boy is a book-o-holic.

I woke up Monday morning and I had flowers. Let me clarify - the perfect flowers! Not only where they Gerber Daisies ( my favorite) but it was an actual potted plant! Oh how my husband knows me!

Later that day Jacob and I decided to make Daddy brownies for Valentines day. Jacob had to wear my apron... and pretend to be me. He would twirl around in a circle and then say,"now I am Mommy, I can cook now".

He helped and Derek tried to get in on the fun. He hates it when he isn't involved. I know that Valentines is full of commercialism; but I think anytime you can tell your significant other and your family that you love them... it is a pretty good holiday.