Easter morning started out with our kids actually sleeping in a half hour longer than normal. You might think that is a small amount of time, but in our household that is a true Easter miracle. The night before I hid the Easter baskets ( per Glassford tradition) and made Jake go find them.

I have a video of him searching for his basket, but I can't get it to load, lame. Here is Jake eating and admiring his chocolate bunnie at the same time. I don't know why it is so difficult to get a picture of him looking at the camera and smiling. Maybe it is an age thing.

Since this was the first time I truly hid it from him, I made it easy and told him it was in the front room. Next time it won't be so easy! Here is Derek playing with his little wind up toy, just like Grandma H. would give us on Easter. He also hadn't finished his breakfast banana... so he would take a bite of banana then a bite of chocolate.

Dan and I shared a basket, It was a great idea, because then I could eat some of the candy that could be considered 'his' and say that it is 'ours'.

It was a great Easter morning, then I went to church and two teachers didn't show... and there was no subs available.... and the primary lady gave my entire lesson ( glove demo and all) in sharing time. So there was me with no lesson and twelve 7 yr olds ... it was interesting. It is completely normal to play telephone, red light - green light, and true or false for Sunday school..... right?
After nap time we went to my parents house for Easter dinner and Egg hunt. The food was tasty.

but I think when I look back on this specific Easter I won;t remember the food, I will remember the awesome Easter egg hunt. When my Mom informed me that we where going to have a blindfolded Easter egg hunt. I thought she was crazy. Now I understand that she had a moment of genius! The kids got to run around as usual and pick up candy. The adults had a blindfold handicap.
Here is my Dad as he starts to hide the eggs. What was he thinking? We are going to be blindfolded and looking in the tree for these plastic eggs!

We all ran to different parts of the yard except team HR and SJ ( you can figure out the abbreviations) Then they started to go for the same candy. Heather even leaves Richie in the dust to get to the candy first. Stephanie is also breaking the rules by dragging Justin along to beat Heather.

Then it happens.... Richie and Justin ( with blindfolds on) get into a wrestling match. Stephanie and Heather, having complete availability of their eyesight, decided to leave their partner and go after the laffy taffy for themselves. Which is why you then see Steph and Heather fighting.

Dan was blindfolded, which I thought was lame because he was way to cautious and always thought that with one more move that he was going to fall into a rock garden or a tree, as if I would do such a thing. It isn't like I am Jim who lets Rachel get attacked by a tree and a metal table, or Heather who lets Richie get clocked by a brick wall. I should of worn the blindfold, I am much more trustworthy while blind... probably because I am already close to being without the gift of sight.

Case in point , right after this picture Rachel was yelling because she hit her head... What is he having her get, I don't see any candy!

Jake meanwhile was casually running around the yard picking up candy and eggs. Just to rub our faces is in he would state the item which he was placing into his basket.
"Chocolate, egg, I got a candy" . Then he would hum to himself... which was hilarious because along with his humming was the screaming coming from the adults who are fighting to get a reeses peanut butter cup.

Derek also seemed to ignore the chaos of the adults in favor of walking around with his Great Aunt Kim and finding plastic eggs. But he was no fool. Richie said he wanted to simply hold Derek, but he knew he wanted his egg!

Here is all of us afterward eating and examining our loot!

Jake opening Grandma's and Grandpa's gift. He loves sleeping with my baby blanket, now he has his own! Made out of the same material as mine, but stitched into the blanket was dinosaurs.

We then all settled down and had a relaxing Easter evening. Jake enjoyed wearing a dew rag and eating a sucker while grandpa read him his new book.

Derek loved playing with Stephanie's new puppy, I think he liked the puppy and Bow ( My parents Dog) more than the Easter egg hunt.

Hope everyone had a great Easter! Sad half of our family was not feeling good and missed the Astin Easter egg hunt the week after. We are excited for this warmer weather and for all of us to be healthy!