Why do I even bother buying toys, when all they want is a big cardboard box? This box lasted two days, and was a pure joy for the kids to play with. They pretended it was a barn for their toys, a house for them, a cave, and a Jake's special place. If anyone has any obnoxiously large boxes... let me know and I will come get them. I think I know what Jake is getting for his birthday ... does anyone know how to get my hands on a refrigerator box?
Tibble Fork Reservoir
We went up to Tibble with Dan's parents and Steve's family. Jake and Lily had great fun playing in the dirt and finding rocks. It reminded of me when we where small at Pine Valley and becoming so dirty we looked like little Indians running around in pink care bear shirts. Oh the memories.
Grandpa Astin brought his boat and took Dan and Jake out for a bit of fishing. Turns out Jake wasn't a huge fan of just sitting on a boat. I don't think it helped that they where using lures and Jake has yet to pick up on the concept of continual reeling and casting. With time small one... in time.
While Dan and Jake where out on the boat Derek and I put on some sandles and went to the shallow part of the lake and splashed around for a bit. This kid loves water, and it didn't matter if it was freezing. He just kept splashing and playing with his dinosaur. Every time he picked it up he would remove his binki, growl, replace binki, then plunge the toy into the water. It was cute, I just could do without the binki. I believe it is almost time to limit the binki to bed time.
Here is Jake with his favorite rock and in his cute little fishing/adventure vest. He wanted to dress like Dad. Why is it that almost every time I have him smile for a picture he gives me a weird smile, I don't get it. But looking back in pictures a few of my sibling did the same thing... that is right Angie you did some sweet cheezers.
Uintah Fishing
Dan went fishing up in the Unitah mountains with his Dad and Brother. What fun for the guys to take a Saturday and catch fish. But here is the thing, I had Dan take the camera and I got only 2 pictures. this one and a close up of a fish. I don't expect a fashion show of a picture of every fish they catch, but I expect a bit more. I don't think I am asking much. Lets try to double the effort next time guys... 4 pictures!
Because it is cute
Just thought this was a cute picture of Derek being a construction worker. After Jake ran around building and being a construction worker, Derek decided he wanted to be one as well. He wants to be like his brother so much!