We went to a "UVU meet the basketball teams" with Steve and Noreen. It was super fun. The kids got a basketball and UVU shirt. Jacob thought it was so cool that the team signed his ball. He keeps asking me to read the signatures... I come up with original names like Bob, Luke and Wakeem. I like the name Wakeem , if my kids could pull of that kind of name they would totally have it.
Jacob had fun doing all the activities and meeting the players. He discovered the sweet stickiness of cotton candy . Derek obviously didn't touch the cotton candy.
They had all the kids line up and hold their hand out. This way the could call out the basketball player's name, then run down the line giving everyone a high five. Super fun right? Oh yes, Jacob had a blast! Derek.... well ... that is another story.
Then the cheerleaders did a little show and the basketball players demonstrated their skill of shooting a basket in a non-stress situation. As you can see, Derek thought it was riveting.
Okay. Here is the thing, I have come the realization Derek has a fear of strangers. The crying and not wanting to be near the wolverine mascot, totally normal. But when the nice cheerleader wants to hold his hand and put a fake tattoo on his wrist he was more than willing. Seriously.... he is only 1. Liking the ladies isn't supposed to start till he is a lot older.