Angie is in town so we thought it would be fun to go to the farm! I thought Oliver would like all the animals. Who knew he would be terrified.
Derek has liked having Oliver here. Jacob has been ecstatic Oliver is here! He is so cute and patient with him, there is a reason he is the oldest.
I think the cows where the highlight of the farm. Aunt Rachel was a bad example by climbing the fence.

Then Angie started to climb the fence so she could pet the baby cow.

It was only a matter of time before my kids started to climb the fence like a jungle gym. If the Aunts are doing it, why not them??

Look... The cow is close to Oliver and he isn't crying!!! YAY!!! I think it helps that he had a bottle and was in the security of his stroller.
We got a little goat feed and fed the goats and sheep. Jake does the " toss the food" method because he doesn't want to get his hand dirty. Aunt Rachel let them actually feed out of her hand.
Yea, Rachel was nervous with the lamas. She was afraid that if she turned to face me for a picture they would spit or bite her.
Here is a rooster who was quite vocal. Angie thought is was a good idea to let Oliver hear the
" cokoodoodle-doo " from a few feet away. Oliver didn't seem to agree.
Derek thought it was cool, especially when Auntie Rachel gave her own rooster call.
Jacob decided that he wanted to talk to the rooster , so he joined in . He has an impressive rooster call.
Look, Oliver is smiling!!
Oliver is sad again.
The kids had fun playing in the little saloon and jail. Derek enjoyed climbing through the windows while Jacob tried avoiding Rachel who had the camera.
We then went into the farm where they started the cow milking They even let the kids and adults try milking a cow.
Angie, Rachel and Jacob milked the cow. Derek and I where good with just watching.