Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday Fun!

Daniel got off a bit early today so we went up to Tibble Fork. No fish where caught and it got a bit chilly, but it was great fun. It was Jacob's first excursion into the wild outdoors. We also had a Poker Night at my parents. We used runts as currency and the bananas where worth twice as much as the other runts. Rachel kicked butt, she cleaned us out! Everyone had a good poker face except Richard. It was fun just hanging out with the family. Oh yea, Dad let Dan drive the mustang.... don't know if that was such a good idea.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bean Museum

Daniel had Tuesday off, and since it was such beautiful weather on Monday, we thought we would go have a picnic and go fishing up the American Fork canyon. But then the wind started, and the temperature dropped, by the late afternoon there was snow. We decided it was best we not go up the canyon and freeze. We decided to go to the bean museum instead! It was a lot of fun, I remember going there a lot as a kid with my parents. Jacob was more interested in all of the kids running around then the animals. After the museum we went to the BYU creamery for ice cream. It was crazy good! Even though are plans for a fun outdoor day didn't turn out, we still had a great day.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Weekend Accomplishments

Jacob is growing in leaps and bounds! He had his six month doctor visit last week and he weighs 15 pounds 9 ounces. He is also making headway on the crawling front. He is starting the scootch, and has begun to figure out that he needs to lift himself with his legs and his arms. He can sit up by himself, just not very sturdy yet. But the biggest news, he picked up a cheerio and put it in his mouth then ate it! I don't know why I find this so amazing, but I do. Dan also is a happy guy, we got him a SUV this weekend. It is an older SUV, blue, and a manual. And he is happy, and more than willing to do errands. We're healthy and happy, life is good!