Monday, April 14, 2008

Weekend Accomplishments

Jacob is growing in leaps and bounds! He had his six month doctor visit last week and he weighs 15 pounds 9 ounces. He is also making headway on the crawling front. He is starting the scootch, and has begun to figure out that he needs to lift himself with his legs and his arms. He can sit up by himself, just not very sturdy yet. But the biggest news, he picked up a cheerio and put it in his mouth then ate it! I don't know why I find this so amazing, but I do. Dan also is a happy guy, we got him a SUV this weekend. It is an older SUV, blue, and a manual. And he is happy, and more than willing to do errands. We're healthy and happy, life is good!

1 comment:

  1. jacob looks so cute sitting up! i can't believe he is 6 months old! he is darling!
