I am so happy that the weather is getting better! It is warm enough where I can bundle Jacob up in a few layers of clothing and let him run around outside with the puppy.
He loves the outdoors and would live outside if he could. He loves the slide and throwing balls for the puppy to retrieve.
I am so surprised on how patient our little puppy, Kate, is with Jacob. She has never nipped him, I think she knows he is a baby. Jacob has hit, pinched, sat on, pushed, poked, and even bit the dog.
Thank goodness for a mellow dog!
We went on our weekly date and took Jacob with us, he would not stop making cute faces and playing with the straw, I thought it was so cute, so I couldn’t help myself and I whipped out the camera and took some pictures inside the restaurant.
Jacob is always copying what Daniel does, he wants to be just like Dad. This is him trying to put on Dan’s shoes. He is so cute! Jacob kept putting them on, trying to walk, falling, then putting them back on.
Needless to say we have been crazy busy moving, unpacking and getting to know the new addition to our family ( Kate) Thanks again for everyone who helped us move and unpack.