Friday, March 13, 2009

Volleyball and Puppy Training!

We went to go see Rachel play volleyball today. She was playing a tournament at UVU. As a side note, UVU did not think about the fact that people with children would come to watch sports. they where the most unsafe bleachers, they are 16 feet above the court; the seats are thin and short so you feel like you stand up to quickly and loose your balance you could plummet to the volley ball court below; and they have a railing that any five year old could easily fit through. I did not feel extremely comfortable sitting in the ghetto bleachers let alone my child. ( I have new found appreciation for the people who built Open Court) Although we had to sit in possibly deadly bleachers, it was fun to watch her play, she is such a great setter!
Daniel has been training Kate to point at a pheasant wing and hold. She is actually starting to hold the point for over five seconds before trying to attack the wing. Sorry about the bad quality of pictures, I was taking them through our amazingly dirty window ( if I where outside taking pictures it would have been a distraction and Kate needed to focus on her hunting lessons) Between Jacob making faces on the inside and Kate liking the outside the window was twice as dirty! Right after this I grabbed the window cleaner and started scrubbing.


  1. smart dog. :) what kind is she again?

    Jacob is darling. I'd love to see you guys in May.

  2. It was fun watching Rachel play volleyball with your whole family. Thanks for coming and supporting Rachel with me.

    Dan is doing a great job training your puppy. Good Job Dan!!

    Love, Mom

  3. She is a german shorthair. We should all get together for dinner one of the nights you are up here, maybe on that Sunday.

  4. Thanks for coming Jess!! Love ya tons!

  5. She is so cute! Looks like a great addition to your family. :) Congrats on the house!
