I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Even though it wasn't the most pleasant experience being 9 months pregnant during the most family party oriented holiday, and the time of the year where the most pictures are taken.... I have to say I can look back on this Christmas and smile.

It was are first Christmas in our new house and I loved watching Jacob opening his gifts under the tree. He is the most dainty gift opener, it takes him forever to open one gift.

We went over to the Glassfords for Christmas breakfast and to exchange gifts. My parents, like always, surprised us with a great gift... a huge barbecue. Now Dan has to learn how to use it.

Jacob ate bacon! that is right, he ate meat willingly! Jacob ( the child that will eat broccoli and lima beans over chicken nuggets ate bacon! )

This year I wanted to give my parents something that I know they would really love and that I don't think they would do themselfs. I turned their wonderful blog into a book. This was truly a labor of love, but I am so glad that I did it. I did tons of resurch concerning 'blog to book' websites and found nowhere I was satisfied with. So I decided to format and publish the book through a book publishing and printing company. It turned out great, and now my parents have a family journal/scrapbook.

This was at the Astin's Christmas Party, jacob had a lot of fun playing with his cousins!

Here is the Family Christmas picture, It turned out good, especially considering my hugeness and Jacob freezing.

We also took family photos this weekend. I am hoping that the next one could be in the warm months and without me being pregnant. Angie and Chad better come down for a vacation TOGETHER in the summer months, none of these separate vacations. I want a family photo with that has flowers and grass in the background.

Jacob was a good trooper, he was cold which made it difficult to get him to smile.
Hey some great shots. We really enjoy the blog book. Thanks ! It was so cold during the family pictures. Next year we need a summer shot.