We went to my parents house Sunday afternoon for some family fun. Derek loves being held, and at my parents house he is held almost constantly. I can't blame people for wanting to hold my little chunk!

Badminton was played despite the inclement weather.

Dan and Rachel was the team that won! Richie and Jim played hard, here they are trying to hit the birdy, but sadly both of them missed.

Dan and Rachel had great team work and skills. It reminded me of Pine valley and the badmitten tournament we had up there, only not as much trash talk.

Jacob decided that he wanted to play and help Jim and Richie, but I think he hindered more than anything. Jacob then decided to run back and forth under the net, it just made the game more interesting. Maybe they should have played that if they hit Jacob, they got 2 points!

After the fun outside, we went inside and celebrated Jim and Rachel's anniversary with cupcakes! Heather and Jacob had fun playing with a blanket, it was super cute.

Because of the wet weather we are experiencing, we weren't able to take a picture of the two boys outside. So I am still stuck with pictures of my cute boys on our couch.