This past Sunday was a great Fathers Day. It was the first Fathers Day where I got help making breakfast. Jacob stirred the pancake mix and then helped eat them . I don't think he understood the idea behind Father's Day, he associated it with a birthday. I just wanted to wish a belated happy Fathers Day to my wonderful husband. You truly are an amazing Dad. Jacob and Derek are incredibly lucky to have such a caring and involved father. They light up when you are around, and it is because they know you love them. thank you for all you do for us!

To my Daddy - You truly are the best Dad I could have ever asked for. I feel blessed to be able to call you my Dad and my friend. Jacob and Derek are lucky to have a Grandpa that is so involved and willing to spend time with them. Jacob gets so excited when he finds out he gets to hang out with Grandpa! I feel truly blessed to live close enough that my children get to have such a great relationship with you.
To my Father-in-law - It is so nice being apart of your family. I knew I was marring a good guy when I saw how close he was with his Dad. You are such a great influence on our boys, Jacob loves it when you come over to watch sports with Dan. Jacob and Derek are lucky to have you as their Grandpa.
I'm glad that you and Jacob had fun in the kitchen :) I completely agree with you, we are luck to have such an amazing dad.