We went over to my parent's house today and had tons of fun. They are on spring break, making it the perfect time to play with the grandkids. Jake loves worms and transplanted them from one part of the garden to the next.

Here is the kids playing with dirt. It was cute to watch Derek try to scoop up dirt and put it into his pot. We had to eventually take his shovel ( aka the red plastic spoon) because he started trying to eat the dirt.

After getting dirt everywhere Grandma and Jake made a tower of rocks. It is so much fun living close to them, I think my kids would agree!

Here is Jacob standing next to Grandpa's giant beet. When I asked him if he is excited to eat Grandpa's giant beets he said," We can not eat these, they are only for Giants".
I think derek got the idea of eating the dirt from your dirt cups activity!! The kids seem to really love being outside and hanging out with their grandparents! Im really glad you and the kids live close so we can all do these fun things!!! (We are gonna have to get Angie and Chad back here soemtime!!)