The farm is one of the kids favorite places to go. I grab allergy medicine and the kids grab some fruit snacks....

Jake's favorite animals to feed are the goats. Derek was even was willing to feed them. The minute the sheep and lamas would come over to get a snack Jake would move to another pen. Those lama's are feisty!

Derek's favorite animal is the cow. I think it boils down to three reasons. 1 - they move slowly or not at all 2- they are big 3- he can say OOO which is his word for cow.

Jake loves riding on the horses.

It is the season for baby animals! They had quite a few babies and had people there helping us pet them and talking about the animals.

Jake has learned that if you feed chickens from above, they don't peck your fingers. I asked him why he wanted to feed the chickens if he didn't want to have them get close or eat it from his hand. He said that all animals where hungry and that chickens need their space.

Derek got grumpy while we where there. We even took a snack break. That didn't even help, he was determined to stay upset. But his grumpy face is so cute!
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