On Monday I had a brilliant idea, make a pirate treasure map with pictures for Jake to follow and find a little treasure. A small fun Monday activity. Dan ended up getting Monday off, and thought to elaborate the plan by taking the kids to Pirate Island ( a pirate themed arcade/kid play-place/ restaurant). Brilliant really, we where so proud of ourselves, being fun parents and all. We looked at the web-sight and even called to make sure they where open for lunch... we got a busy signal.

Off we went, Jacob reading his precious map and telling us the next step. Treasure Island, was closed. To be exact it was shut by huge metal chains and locks. Now we had a little boy with a treasure map. It said to go to Pirate Island. We did. Then it said to eat pizza.

So Dan and I decided to go on a wild goose chase around Utah county to fulfill the map's requests. We went to Jason's Deli, where we got Jake a small kids pizza.

They also had Ice cream, which the kids loved. Dan was able to get his beloved pastrami, which made him super happy.

We then went to a party store and bought Jake a pirate hat and being a sneaky Mom I bought a "pirate treasure" to hide at the undisclosed location for Jacob to find. The next thing the map said for us to do was go in the pirate ship ( originally located in Pirate Island) . The only one we where aware of is in the Trafalga in Lehi. Off we went... when we got to trafalga and Jake saw the pirate ship ride he was SO happy.

Dan and Jacob went on the ride, Dan had the treasure in his pocket. After the fun ride of siting on a ship rocking back and forth ( how kids find that fun I have no idea), Jake found his treasure. With the help of Dan.

He was so happy and excited about his adventure. Derek tolerated the experience, but was underwhelmed by the awesomeness of our quest. We went home, all a bit tired. Jake watched his pirate show, wearing his "Pirate Gabloom Treasure Necklace", and yes, that is the official name. Jacob will correct you if he hears you not call it by that name.
Later that Day we went to thanksgiving point. They where having their Monday night activity and it was about cowboys. So I loaded up the kids and went to the farm. I was unaware that because of the theme there would be more horses than normal. Oops, I forgot to take my allergy medicine.

We jumped on an old horse and buggy ride, which the kids just loved... I endured. Then we got to make cowboy bandanas! This was was fun, and got the kids hands nice and colorful. Jake was so excited to wear his fish themed bandana. Derek wanted nothing to do with it once the colored markers where out of the equation.

Jacob loved the cowboy shooting station. They had pop cans filled with little weights and high powered water guns. What more could a three year old boy ask for. He would shoot the targets down, I would then re-stack them while her refilled his water gun. Derek just like playing with the tub of water, I had to keep telling him to not jump in the water. The kids then took a turn riding the little ponies.

This was Derek's first time. He had this stern face on the entire time, and would not let his hands off the saddle. I was worried he wasn't enjoying it, but when I tried to take him off he resisted. I think he was just concentrating, trying to be a big boy and ride the horse like Jacob.

Jacob of coarse was on the biggest ponie, and was so proud of his bandana. He kept saying, " I am a cowboy Mom, look!" I am glad the kids had a fun day. I had fun too, but it is amazing how these two kids keep me busy!