Last weekend we went fishing with my family at Payson Lakes. They all loaded up and went camping Friday night, our plan was to meet up with them Saturday morning. It turned out to be a good plan because Dan had to work late and it was SUPER cold during the night. I know this because my Mom and Heather where exhausted from the cold night. Anyone who has driven up the road to get to Payson Lakes knows it is a windy road. I am aware of this, but didn't think anything of it until the puking started. Right after we passed a pull-off area Derek decided to start throwing up all over the car. Lets just say this experience was scarring. By the time Dan and I had cleaned the mess up I had thrown up and Dan dry heaved a few times. We got to Payson lakes exhausted and nauseous.

Once we got there we got our poles in the water, and waited. That is right people, the best method to catching a fish at Payson Lakes is to bait dunk... just accept it.

By the time we had gotten to the lake many people had caught fish. Here is Rachel catching one of her little fishes.

Then it happened.. Jake started to catch fish. We didn't hook one and hand him the pole. That is what you do for babies. Jacob is a big boy, therefor he catches his own fish. He caught three fish, I couldn't have been more proud. Derek thought is was the coolest thing when Jacob was reeling in the fish.

Here is one of the fishes...

After a bit of coaxing from all of us (mostly Richie and Rachel) Jake not only was willing to touch his fish, but hold it!

We tried to get Derek to touch the fish, but he really wasn't having it. He poked it once, but mostly liked looking at the fish from a safe distance.

What Derek did like to do was take the lids off and on of the power bait. Poor glitter bottle got poured all over the ground before I realized what he was doing. Sorry about that Dad!

Jake was so funny. My Mom trying to give Jacob a chance to reel in another fish told him she had a bite and to come reel it in! He replied, " nope, I have my own fishing pole Grandma, I will catch my OWN fish".
I love fishing, but it makes it so much more fun when we go with family. Thanks to everyone that went up, it was fun.
I must admit, I was a little shocked that Jacob didn't want to reel in my fish, but I was so proud just watching him hook and catch his own fish! It was a fun trip all in all! Thanks for posting Jess.
ReplyDeleteLove Grandma
Jeez, I don't think we were catching fish on our own when we were his age... infact I still have dad bait and cast for me.
ReplyDeleteTell Jacob that Oliver's mom (since that's what I'm known as now) is impressed that he's such a good fisherman!
P.S. Looks like Heather had a nice nap :)
Thanks for coming up to the lake. It was fun to watch Jacob catch more fish than his Daddy.