Christmas time is such a fun time of year, but sadly super busy for Dan. I have found the multitude of random activities going on to be a good distraction from Dan's absence. My friend Katrina was husband-less because of a Job as well. So we packed up the kids and headed to the "drive through light display" at Thanksgiving point. I remember as a kid driving through neighborhoods trying to find houses with a lot of lights. This is less gas and tons of twinkling lights. All fun, until we decided to go see the reindeer after. Why would that be bad?

Well, if you dress your kids in their pajamas and planned to take Derek out of his carseat and straight to bed than this would have been not ideal. So Derek got to run around in hay, in December and in footsy pajamas.

We went back to Thanksgiving point this past monday for the Family Activity Night at the museum. Obviously Jacob requested the reindeer... so we stopped by again so he could talk to the reindeer. It was super cute. He asked" Hello, do you know Rudolph?", " its okay, you can fly back to the north pole now." Jacob makes me laugh, he truly thinks he can talk to the animals.

Yes, Derek is trying to climb in with the reindeer.
They had a Santa letter station all set up and little crafts for the kids. Jacob wrote his letter to Santa . Okay I wrote what he wanted but he did sign his name. It is getting better, the letters are actually slightly recognizable. He asked for a train, shark, and whale shark. And thanks to Amazon he shall be getting all three. We then went to the mud area of the museum, where the kids spent an hour playing with mud and dinosaurs.

Jacob decided he was going to be a purist and play with only green t-rex dinosaurs. Derek's mission was to destroy anything Mom created out of mud. That is right, I played with the mud too.

I had my niece over the other day, Jacob and her play so well together. Because it is Christmas and Jacob is putting on a little nativity scene for his preschool they obviously had to play Mary and Joseph.
Christmas is so fun!! I cant believe that you went to see the reindeer and lights without me though!! Really??!?!? haha NEXT TIME CALL ME!! Derek and Jacob are adorable as always!
ReplyDeleteVery fun... Thanksgiving Point should know you all by name. I love the shot of Derek trying to get in with the reindeer.