Christmas Eve morning Dan got a text from UPS. He didn't have to go to work!!! It was truly a Christmas miracle. We had a fun day of relaxing, then went over to David and Gina's house for our traditional Christmas Eve festivities. They have this odd pool game that was a fun twist on the original.

Jacob loved watching the adults play, and after explaining that only adults can play because little boys could get hurt, he watched without trying to grab a ball. Dan beat Richie 2-1 and Richie beat my Mom 2-0.
Richie being the crazy uncle! I am so glad Jacob was feeling better. When we first got to David's house Jacob ate a reece's pieces. He went to Dan and told him he ate a bad M&M. After some benadryl and him holding a bowl while he sat on my lap for awhile he seemed just fine.
We then had our traditional Christmas talent Show. Jacob and I sang a song together. That is right people, I sang! David even said I sounded good. The only time he seemed tired and drugged was during our singing. I tried posting the video. You can see it on my facebook
page. Jacob then joined in while Richie and Grandpa sang.
After David and Gina's kids did their talent it was Grandma's and Heather's turn. They cheated. They gave all of us a chime and expected us to provide the music. This was a very bad choice.
Not only did they not have a talent, but we then had to listen to our own horrible "chimed" rendition of classic Christmas songs. It was so bad that Heather couldn't mask her amusement of how crappy it was. The worst part was David . He always forgot which numbers was his. I am going to say the best was me. I got a chime number that wasn't even in the song, so I didn't even have to participate in the deafening craziness.
We then watched the church's nativity video. Jacob loves the story and was thoroughly enthralled. He had so many questions, "where is King Harrod?", "Why are they speaking so funny", " Joseph should build Mary a house if there is no room", " Why don't they have cars". I had to whisper the story and answer questions in his ear so he wasn't loud. Derek enjoyed it as well. They both fell asleep on the way home. It was a fun Christmas Eve.