After we got the kids in their beds on Christmas Eve we set out to work getting ready for Christmas morning! Because Derek is a mischievous child we have had no presents under the tree until that night. So we brought down all the presents that where wrapped and hidden up in our room . We then watched 'The Christmas Story" while prepping the stockings and setting up the train table. Dan and I have the tradition of doing each others stockings. I set his up, cover it with a blanket and then he does the same. That way we are surprised Christmas morning too. I was so excited to see the kids and Dan's reaction to their presents.

I didn't get much sleep. We knew jacob was awake Christmas morning because we could hear him singing Rudolph in his bedroom. Santa was amazing and got him everything on his list. Derek was enthralled with the train and has treats.

We then opened presents youngest to oldest. One by one. The way it should be, slow and thoughtful.

I got Dan got a little blender for his protein ( yes it was returned) and a new leatherman. He got Madden and a Blue ray, but I don't think they really count because he knew about them. Dan got me a Blendtec Blender, flat griddle and other things. He got me a Blender! Not only did we both get each other blenders, but the one he got me was crazy amazing! His looked all sad and geld next to my awesome blendtec. It was a great Family Christmas morning.
I love that you had to hide all of the presents from Derek. That kid is so michevious! Your family is so cute Jess. I love the messy haired Christmas morning pics :)