Friday, February 24, 2012


 My guppie gave birth!! Right after we got the fish tank a girl guppie had babies, Jake and I loved them. We then acquired a few more fish thay loved them too. They loved to EAT THEM. It has been about a month since that tragic day. Now we can find joy in our new little baby fishes. We put the two super pregnant girls in the separate "mommy space" and where so excited when we saw babies. Then one of the girls ate a baby. I acted as quickly as possible. Putting the pregnant fish in the blue net. This kept the babies safe.
 The mommy fish took over an hour and a half to have all the babies. Dan and I took turns standing above the fish tank waiting for another baby.  This way I could take my little measuring spoon as scoop them up and into the 'baby safe zone'. They make me so happy!


  1. I love how attached you are to these fish Jessica. I still remember when you thought I was crazy for saving my cat... it seems like the tables have turned ;)

  2. I don't remember you saving your cat? You mean from death as a baby? In that case yes, I thought you where crazy. But not because of you. I am allergic to cats, Jacob also has an allergy to them. It isn't nearly as bad as it was when he was smaller. Though he can still get a nice rash if he spends to much time petting the cat. I like cats.

  3. Had a fish JUMP OUT of the fish tank last night. What would drive my fish to suicide????

  4. Maybe your not feeding them enough... try more food and sing a song to them as well :) hahahaha

  5. Hahahaha, a GUPPY jumped out of your fishtank? That's impressive.
