It is almost the wonderful and magical season of winter. But before we dive
into Thanksgiving and onward to Christmas, let us look back at the past
few weeks. I was totally planning on catching up with my posts and
journal, but because of another family tragedy it was put on hold. Now
here is another 'larger than it should be' post.
Jake's birthday, oh
yes ... I am sure you thought that would be over. But I was not
finished. Jake had a friend party! All of his neighborhood friends and
cousins came. And because Jake has a current love for sea creatures it
was an " oceans are awesome " theme.

Jake actually blew out the candles twice. He blew them out before the song even started, and those candles where not the easiest to light. My Dad and Dan thought it was hilarious watching me light the candles. It was making me a bit frustrated. My opinion is that candles should be easy to light... unless they are trick candles.

We then did our little crafts! The kids had fun making their masks, even Derek made one with the help of Grandma Astin. Thanks to my wonderful niece Taylor ( she came over to help assist me with the party games) everything went smoothly. After making the masks we did the activity that any self respecting ocean party would have... that is fishing for candy!!!

Taylor hid behind the blanket. Dan and I took turns with Derek and helping the kids reel in their catch. It actually went extremely well. The kids had fun. But the fun didn't stop there! Oh yes, it was pinata time!

Because nowhere in the area had a whale pinata we settled for a pirate ship. That thing was completely stuffed with non-peanut candy and little toys. First up was Jake, he had fun whacking at it, then all the other kids had a turn. after three rounds of them beating this pirate ship it became evident we needed a professional. That pirate ship was made to last!!!!

Because Dan was busy being the Dad and holding the pinata, it was up to Steve to do the honors. He had to hit it a handful of times and then it started to pour candy!!! Now as a cautious mother who did not want any of the kids hurt, I warned the children not to run after any of the candy. They where to stay on the sidewalk until I gave the signal it was safe. I forgot to tell Noreen this rule, and she almost got hit in the head. Tootsie rolls are tasty, but she almost gave me a heart attack going for it while Steve was swinging away.
After the candy started coming out, and the bat was no longer being swung, It was time for candy!!!
Thanks to everyone that came to his party, He had a blast. I had fun putting it together and am glad it went so well. Till next year... we will see what theme he comes up with then.
Now that we have covered Jacob's birthday. Lets discuss Fall. With fall comes the wonderful corn maze of The Vineyard. I have been going to this fall favorite for as long as I can remember. My parents and Heather came with us. Jacob and Derek had a blast!
All through the maze there where little Halloween things to look at. A favorite was the wood cut-out boards.
We where on the search for the tunnel of gourds but couldn't find it anywhere. I blame the fact that we where following the four year old and going in circles. So we decided to take a short cut.....
We crawled through the corn, yes I realize this breaks all the rules to corn mazes, but we where not going to be denied!!! We wanted to see the slightly deformed, unique gourds hanging all around a vine tunnel!!!
Look, we are still in the corn maze.
We had a ton of fun and will defiantly keep going every year. This is one of my favorite activities around Halloween.
We also had a Halloween themed dinner. Complete with eye ball manicotti, spooky tree bread sticks and intestine soup ( chili )
I think the favorite thing we had was the homemade rootbeer. The kids had a blast ( okay, everyone had fun with the ice) Dry ice is SO much fun!!! My kids have never experienced dry ice and the smoke it creates.

We also got the kids to sit on Grandpa's Giant Pumpkin!! then we tried to get a picture of me with the kids. This is the best one we got. Oh well, I tried.
Here is the Glassford cousins all done up in Halloween garb!

On Halloween we started trick or treating early be stopping by my parent's house, then we went to my Aunt Anne's house and hung out with my Auntie and Cousin Karin. I am always amazed at their front yard!

We then headed over to my In-Laws house for some trunk-or-treating. That was super fun. Nothing like getting a bucket of candy on one street and before dark! After we got home I took Jake out for trick-or-treating in our neighborhood while Dan had candy duty. Jake loved it and had a blast running up to every door. The holidays are getting to be so much fun the older they get. Love it!!
I told you it was a long post! |
I Love your long post, the holidays are so much fun and your kids are a blast to celebrate it with!! I cant wait for Christmas, and I will DOMINATE in ginger bread houses this year!! Its a promise!!