We decided to get the season of Halloween kicked off early by going to the
haunted dinosaur museum. Oh yes, tons of bones, small children running around, and people handing them wooden sticks while calling them "magic wands". See... terrifying!

It was actually really fun, and besides the wooden wands it was a rather pleasant outing ( I was a mean Mom and took them away after awhile because I was afraid they would poke their eyes out). They had a face painting booth and Jake excitedly informed the master painter he wanted a Dragon. After he was finished, Jake informed the man that Dragons have wings and that he should redo it. I could see the offense the dude took from it and quickly explained to Jake that some dragons don't need wings to fly. They are so awesome and are the most powerful dragons with super incredible magic that allowed them to fly with no wings plus they can blow orange, yellow and purple fire! He seemed content with the explanation.

Then it was Derek's turn. But he wanted nothing to do with it, so we decided to go into the sorcerers tower, we actually went in twice, Jake is a sucker for a good story.
That is right, and actual sorcerer has taken up shop in a dinosaur museum, and you have to go through a creepy tunnel to get to his "layer" . Here is Derek posing next to a spooky garbage bag wall covered in spider bags, nothing but terrifying!

Then we reached the sorcerer, who turned out to be rather nice. He showed us a few magic tricks and told some stories about nice but misunderstood witches and monsters. We then went to play in the museum.
We made our own Dinosaurs, We named Jake's the
Dragonsoraus. and Derek's was
whataisasourus. Jake came up with his own name, because he thought that dinosaurs and dragons lived together since they don't live here anymore ( I have decided to let him believe this and yes, I am a mom who encourages his belief in leprechauns, Easter bunnies and Santa) Jake made me name Derek's. My first name was Idontknow - asaurus, but Jake said that wasn't right. So my extremely imaginative mind came up with
They had fun like always at the museum. Jake wanted to know the name of every dinosaur and Derek would just point and say "roarrr".
Derek being himself... just kidding ;)
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