Jacob's birthday week started off last Sunday. We went over to my parents house for Sunday dinner and a little birthday celebration for my four year old! As many people know Jake loves animals, his favorite being the whale-shark. Yes I get that it is weird. So Sunday morning I got up and made a simple sheet cake, hoping it would turn out decently. I love cooking, but my baking skills are still a bit iffy. Okay, so cakes and bread are my homemade-arch-nemesis, but I am trying. After cooking it, and it not sinking or burning I proudly show Jake. " Look, I made you a birthday cake, you are such a lucky boy! " What is his response you might ask. Was he wanting to eat it, excited about his birthday, wanting to help frost it. Oh no, that would be to simple for my life. He informed me he wanted a whale-shark cake. After taking a moment to comprehend his request I grabbed a knife and started to cut out a whale. Then Jake started to inform me exactly what the specifications of this whale-shark needed. He grabbed his book and said" Mom, the whale shark needs spots and stripes, a white belly, a blow whole and live in warm water." At this point I was determined to make this thing look half decent, My well-made 8x11 sheetcake must be a whale shark... then it will look like a whale-shark. I now know ( thanks to the advice after-the-fact from my husband) that I could have piped a whale-shark onto the top of the cake instead of carving it out. I blame lack of sleep on the fact I didn't think of that. I think it turned out decent, and frankly it doesn't matter what I thought, because Jacob was elated.

here is Jacob blowing the four candles out. He is getting so big!

While we where getting ready to open presents, Derek thought he was being clever and was about to open some of Jacob's presents. This is his " oh me" face. I love that he gets this cute innocent face whenever he gets caught doing something. It is either the innocent face or he takes off running. And he can run fast!!
Here is Jacob with his Aunt Heather. I am so lucky I have family living so close and my kids get to hang out with their aunts and uncles! It is also amazing how well Jake knows his aunts and uncles that live out of town, thank you internet!
Jacob opening his presents, nothing like a good book! It had some of my favorites when I was growing up . Now if only I could find the childrens book about the farmer with an over-sized beet....
Happy Birthday Jacob, We love you the whale-shark mostest!
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