Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Swimming at the Scott's

Today Jacob and I went to Aunt Kim's house to swim. This was Jacob's first experience in a swimming pool and he did great! He loved splashing the water. Kim showed us how to teach him to go underwater, it went well, but by the third time he had enough. We are very proud of our little swimmer! After that we played on the grass, Jacob liked petting Roxy.
Here is a video of Jacob playing in the pool, along with one of all the kids doing lifts.


  1. Swimming looked like so much fun and especially during the hot summer days. Wish we could have been there to see Jacob's first swim. He is growing up SO fast. I love the silly faces he makes now!
    Love, Grandma G

  2. What a cute kid! Yaaa that Jacob loves to swim/splash!
