Thursday, December 2, 2010

Some Cute Videos!

Here are some videos from the past few months. The first has Derek doing his crab crawl... I think it is super cute... plus Derek trying to put his cloths on by himself while Jake takes his picture. That's right, nothing but fun times!

This next video has Jacob pretending to be Santa , who obviously has a pet reindeer. He has such a great imagination and keeps me on my toes all the time. Also, there is some video of Derek playing the Xylophone, he loves anything that makes music which is cute but can give me a headache.


    :) I'm so glad you finally put some videos up! I can't help but smile when I watch you and your adorable boys.

    Derek and his big giggly smiles, and Jacob with his crazy climbing and imagination... I just wish I could be there to play with them!

  2. What cute kids...and what imagination they have! I am so glad you are enjoying being a mom, you are doing a great job!
    Love you, Mom

  3. Fun stuff... Do you think I can put Heather's famous video on the blog.

    Tell Santa Hi for me.

  4. The one with the infamous slide....

  5. Please keep that information to a minimum... lets just say that I had a really good time on one of my most memorable slides :)

    (P.S. I WAS 2 YEARS OLD... no judging)
