Friday, July 1, 2011

In loving Memory

Last Sunday I got one of the most devastating phone calls I have ever received. My Grandma, who I dearly loved, passed away unexpectedly. I thought that she was invincible and never thought she was going to die. I realize how childish this sounds, but she was so full of life and love that I didn’t think death would ever happen to her. After I got the call, I could barely speak. Dan didn’t know what was going on at first. After the shock and immediate pain wore off, I realized that I was devastated at my own loss, and not Grandma’s. In that moment I was so thankful for the church. I didn’t even have a moment that I thought I wouldn’t see her again or that she isn’t happy. Grandma might have died earlier than any of us wanted, but her life was full. She had super highs and big lows, but she was always there for her family no matter what. For the funeral we had all of us Grandkids stand up and say one of our favorite memories, which was the part where I cried the most. There were two things that really stood out to me. One - Grandma made everyone of us feel special and loved; two – it was hard for each of us to narrow all of our wonderful memories down to simply one.

I realize I was blessed to have her live so close and to be such a big part of my life. When a few of my cousin’s and I where trying to figure out what memory we where going to pick, it dawned on me – we ( her family) where the center of her world.

Here are a few of our fond memories –

*Easter egg hunts of legendary portions

*4th of July with glowing necklaces and her ornate and decorative shirts

*feeding the goldfish in her backyard ponds

* going to her house and getting a twizzler or dove chocolate from her hand towel drawer

*playing with all her old metal wind-up toys

*Having her tell the stories about the plate from Napoleon to her spoon collection

* true love of birds. She even had an egg warmer in case she found eggs that where orphaned.

*Christmas – oh Grandma and her Christmas. This should have its own list . The pj’s, the balloons stuffed with hand rolled dollar bills, helping hand string cranberries and popcorn for the trees. Her house would magically turn into her own version of a winter wonderland. Every Christmas we would look forward to her extravagantly wrapped and thoughtful gifts. She truly loved this holiday.

*Grandma teaching me how to play slots

*Using heirloom tea sets to have teatime

*Her teaching us how to press flowers and how to shape and dry them in salt.

*Her taking us for walks around the cabin; looking for anything of beauty, be it an animal, sunset, drift wood, or fossils.

*Being willing to drop whatever she was doing, walk over to my apartment and dispose of a spider.

*Holding my children and softly stroking their cheeks as they all asleep.

She was an amazing woman and I am honored to call her my Grandma. I will miss her and look forward to seeing her in the next life.

I love you Grandma.

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